How to Write a Better ERP RFP

How to Write a Better ERP RFP

Getting started on writing a better ERP RFP

Writing an ERP RFP or an RFI for your next or first ERP system can be daunting. How do you make sure you're asking the right questions that will help you truly differentiate between vendors? Who from your company should be involved in the process? And most importantly, how do you select an ERP system that will not just address today's hassles, but give you a competitive advantage into the future? 

Find the answers to these questions and more in our latest guide, Writing a Better ERP RFP:  Future-Proof Your Manufacturing Business by Asking The Right Questions


Implementing a new ERP solution can be a daunting and complex process as the technology interacts with so many parts of the business. As such, a company can become so detailed and comprehensive in establishing its ERP request for proposal (RFP) that its project sets off on the wrong foot. The ERP RFP status quo needs to change. In particular, two common strategies are setting companies up for problems:

• Putting excessive internal resources into filling out unnecessarily long RFP templates.

• Paying third-party RFP specialists to create complex RFPs.

In these situations, an RFP can become so expensive and complex that it bogs down the selection process. It also makes it nearly impossible for businesses to identify which vendor is best-positioned to meet their needs. This confusion could sink a project before it even begins.

The guide covers the six biggest problems manufacturers and distributors typically encounter in their RFP process, and solutions and advice for addressing them. 

• Functionality

• Questions to ask

• Future-proofing your business

• Value

• Scoring RFP responses

• Number of vendors

Selecting an ERP may seem like an overwhelming process. But a focused, highly specific approach to creating an RFP can reduce the barrier to entry. Want to get your ERP RFP right the first time?


Click to Download your copy of the ERP RFP guide today.

Writing a better ERP RFP ebook