Maier Machines
The company had tried unsuccessfully to map their extensive BOMs with a previous merchandise management system. Based on the previous experience of the IT manager, the company decided to introduce abas. The company, which specializes in machine tools, was even able to switch from complete fabrication to a more assembly-oriented production, without any difficulty. Integrated scheduling reduces additional expenses in the area of purchasing.

About Maier Machines
The company had tried unsuccessfully to map their extensive BOMs with a previous merchandise management system. Based on the previous experience of the IT manager, the company decided to introduce abas. The company, which specializes in machine tools, was even able to switch from complete fabrication to a more assembly-oriented production, without any difficulty. Integrated scheduling reduces additional expenses in the area of purchasing. There are also plans in the works to integrate barcode scanners for warehousing and service.
I‘m continually impressed with the speed and especially the stability of the ERP system. For four consecutive years of operation the server didn‘t require a reboot or any intervention. My advice to future abas users is to improve organization ahead of time to avoid any possible issues. Planning ahead drastically reduces time spent on potential issues.
- Lothar Maier, IT / Scheduling
Project highlights
- BOM management
- Close-to-standard project
- Custom infosystems
- Linux stability
- Intensive use of scheduling
- Quick implementation period
Maier Machines
At a glance
Industry: Mechanical and plant engineering
Less than 25
Swiss and lathe CNC machines, special mechanical engineering
Germany, England, France, USA, China, Saudi Arabia