About Inductron Inductive Electronic Components

Inductron GmbH was founded in June 2003 as a management buyout. The manufacturer of electronic components had to implement a new ERP solution within three months on a fixed deadline. For financial reasons the leased line connection to the SAP R/3 system of the parent company was terminated. A fresh start was made with abas Business Software. Since the first day the system was used, it has been effectively supporting all business processes. The ERP implementation was carried out during full use of production capacity. Immediately after the rollout, the abas solution could be used and the entire sales order cycle, from incoming customer orders, ordering of goods, scheduling, production and shipping could be correctly executed. The ERP solution provides many other, useful functions, such as production, purchase order and material planning. abas Business Software guarantees a smooth process and ensures that customers are supplied in due time.

Changing from SAP to ABAS took place without any problems. From day 1 we were able to manufacture, deliver and write invoices business as usual.

- Christine Sedlmair, Head of Purchasing

Project highlights

  • Replacement of an existing ERP solution within 3 months
  • Price/performance ratio
  • Rough plan (description of recurring standardized procedures)
  • Personnel time recording
  • Stability of the system

Inductron Inductive Electronic Components

At a glance

Industry: Electronics industry








Specialist for inductive components of all types



