About Concept2

Founded by athletes training for rowing events in the summer Olympics, Concept2 began making composite racing oars in 1976. Concept2 oars have since gone on to become the oar of choice among the world’s rowers, with rowing innovations that continue to the present day. The Concept2 Indoor Rower was developed in 1981 and is the best-selling rowing machine in the world. It’s now used by Olympic athletes, patients in rehab, at-home exercisers, and every caliber of rower.

The company’s product line includes oars, the indoor rower, the SkiErg and the BikeErg. Concept2 remains dedicated to providing the most innovative products and programs to its customers, who can buy direct from its manufacturing facility in Morrisville, Vermont.

We needed an ERP platform that would combine both our manufacturing and distribution into a single system, make inter-company transactions between the US and Europe easier, and promote our team-based environment. After a long search for the right solution, we chose abas-ERP and they delivered precisely the right solution for our needs.

- Lisa Washburn, Finance Director

Project highlights

Concept2 wanted an ERP system to help improve both its production and distribution processes, seeking more integration and efficiency across multiple parts of its business. An additional level of project complexity was Concept2’s having sales reps/dealers outside the U.S., which meant it needed the capacity to conduct inter-company transactions between the U.S. and countries outside the U.S., especially within Europe.

Concept2 chose abas USA as its solution provider. Concept2’s systems were integrated under an abas ERP umbrella which offered the company improved efficiencies and data sharing in all its operational areas, in both production and distribution. As Alan Salton, President of abas USA explains, “abas ERP is a great choice for companies like Concept2 that have geographically dispersed locations and complex processes. The software is powerful straight out of the box, but because it is built for flexibility, we can adapt it to the unique aspects of each company’s way of doing business.”


At a glance

Industry: Electronics industry







Indoor rowers, SkiErg, BikeErg, Oars


Australia , Canada, UK, Netherlands, USA


Concept2 website