Take a look at the abas ERP workflow editor

Take a look at the abas ERP workflow editor


ERP Workflows are one of the most critical components of an ERP system. A ERP workflow can be defined as a succession of activities interconnected by events and gateways. Essentially, it allows developers and implementers to define the behavior of a process and determine the actions to be taken based on certain user inputs at predefined points in the ERP workflow.

Think of a flowchart: Users start at a particular point, and based on their actions, the workflows will steer them according to the parameters of the chart. As a simplified way of looking at it, a workflow model contains three basic elements - Activities, Gateways and Events. Here is an example of how a simple ERP workflow document might look:




  • Activity: A task to perform - either automated or carried out by a user. Ex.: A user enters a new quote.
  • Gateway: This directs the process to a specific activity or event based on a condition. Ex.: The system automatically sends a request for approval if the quote exceeded a predetermined dollar amount.
  • Event: An activity that doesn't require interaction. Ex.: An email sent to the user letting him or her know if the quote was approved or not.
The abas ERP Workflow editor GUI

The GUI for the abas ERP workflow editor includes drag-and-drop model elements. Users can double click to edit directly.

An overview of the abas ERP workflow editor

At the core of the abas ERP workflow editor is the RESTful API, which allows implementers to link models and processes at the application level. This powerful API opens the workflow to any modern applications, enabling the processes to reach outside of the ERP world. For example, it can make integrations with CAD systems, PLM & other industry-specialized software & technologies quick and easy.

The Web-editor interface gives designers a way to create and update models, while making it easy for managers to monitor user activity and troubleshoot process errors. This tool is used in the early stages of the ERP implementation process to help define and document what the company processes are, making abas tailored to the project. Later on, the models are updated and refined with actual abas screens and commands to plug-and-play the individual workflows to the application.

abas ERP Workflow editor model validation

Model validation, shown above, ensures that the tool will work for your users.

One of the key strengths of the abas ERP workflow editor is the intuitive dashboard the users engage with as they complete their tasks. For this reason, UI is critical for optimal usage. abas ERP makes it easy for designers to polish the UI based on best practices.

With recent updates, our ERP workflow editor includes several new features such as due dates, convergent and divergent split processes, import/export models and a wider range of troubleshooting, maintenance and reporting tools for managers.

workflow editor wizard

The workflow editor's built-in wizards help you link the abas screens/actions to your workflow

The benefits of the abas ERP workflow editor

The abas ERP workflow editor, as the name implies, enables developers and implementers to define these processes according to extremely detailed specifications based on the task the user must accomplish. This presents several benefits to managers and users alike, including:

  • Increased control over each process reduces errors and deviations.
  • Reduced training time for users. Every step of the process guides users to the correct actions.
  • Reduced need for systematically customizing the ERP software to suit business processes.
  • Simplifying the integration with other third party solutions by linking them to a model.

The abas ERP workflow editor gives managers and developers full control over their processes, making it a robust option for even the most detailed workflows.