3 Essential Workflow Management Connections Forged with ERP Solutions

3 Essential Workflow Management Connections Forged with ERP Solutions


At its core, ERP is a technology for building new connections and optimizing how work gets done in interconnected ways. That’s especially true in the case of a workflow management system, which is a software system for setting up, performing, and monitoring a defined sequence of processes and tasks, with the broad goals of increasing productivity, reducing costs, becoming more agile, and improving information exchange within an organization. As an organization, you want to continually seek out process improvement, optimizing and scaling the processes that work best across your whole organization.

Workflow management, also called business process management (or BPM), should be a central part of any company’s efforts to drive process improvement and efficiency. An ERP system with an integrated workflow management tool, such as abas ERP, can help you do exactly that.


BPM should be a central part of any company’s efforts to drive process improvement and efficiency

An integrated workflow management tool, such as abas BPM, adapts to your specific business workflows and enables you to visualize even the most complex process chains. With an ERP-integrated workflow management tool,  each of your processes gets broken down into its component parts, which are connected logically and in a time sequence. The individual tasks are given deadlines and priorities and assigned to specific employees or a processing group, who are sent reminders of upcoming tasks that need to be done. You have a complete overview of all active workflows and their statuses at all times, fully integrated into your ERP system, and the insights it provides are fully, automatically actionable.

BMP in ERP connects all parts of your business

Tools like Business Process Management in an ERP system help connect parts of your organization that would otherwise be isolated. 

Again, it’s all about connection. Those vital, strategic connections create an enhanced ability to respond to shifts in the market – and help your business internally too, as with modules within an ERP system that strengthen workflow management between once-siloed departments in the business. People and processes work better, in more connected ways.

In addition to abas BPM for workflow management, which ERP modules have the greatest potential to integrate with ERP to create stronger project management? Below are 3 you should consider.

Time for a new ERP system? Make sure your RFP is written smartly. 
Get tips on questions to ask and which to avoid in our how-to guide: Writing a Better ERP RFP

1. Customer service meets field service

The job of the custom manufacturer does not stop once a product is delivered. Nurturing strong relationships with the best clientele includes the occasional check-in and support. For instance, when was the last time your customer service representatives spoke to your engineers or field service technicians about asset life cycle depreciation? The topic probably didn't come up at the last company holiday party.

The abas ERP Service Processing module brings these two worlds together. After configurations reach customers, service reps and technicians can draw upon the same pool of insight to predict support needs before deficiencies, failures and uncomfortable phone calls. Service Processing also comes in a mobile ERP app so workers out in the field always have an updated schedule with the most critical repairs. This integration and sharing of key data keeps your entire team on the same page and enhances customer communication.

2. Accounting meets operations

Money makes the world go round, and production keeps business booming. Where do finances and order fulfillment intersect in asset-intensive industries? In the equipment, of course. Financial strategists must understand the lifecycle of all fixed assets (like equipment) to plan smarter investments elsewhere and protect the bottom line.

integration through your ERP system adds value across your entire organization

But that requires a team of operators and technicians to fill them in on asset depreciation data culled right from the machines themselves. Through abas' Financial and Accounting module, the number crunchers upstairs can communicate effectively with the shop floor to track asset value over time, as well as stay abreast of any major equipment failures or overhauls. Again, integration through your ERP system adds value across your entire organization, from the back office to the front office, from the shop floor to the C-suite.

3. Sales meets marketing

While your sales department chases down new leads for greater profitability, your marketing team is hunting down the next big idea that will put your business ahead of the competition. Despite popular belief, the sales and marketing departments are not in contention. They're both endlessly pursuing success.

So why not bring them together with abas Sales Management and CRM? This module visualizes raw sales data in ways that can allow marketers to design bold strategies, product offerings, contracted services, etc. Best of all, thanks to your sales department's one-on-one relationship with your customer base, any great idea forged in this ERP crucible is inspired by the actual needs and wants of real customers. Now that's connecting your people and creating great teamwork!

Make sure the most important features like Workflow Management and more are part of your next system. Learn how by downloading our guide, How to Buy ERP in 7 Easy Steps or contacting an abas representative today.